Caring for your StainSafe®
carpet the right way.

Keep your carpet looking fabulous
by taking these steps to care for it.

Prevention is better
Place mats in the entrance to your house
to trap the dirt. This will stop outside dirt from getting onto your carpet. Bear in mind that a dark carpet won’t show dirt and stains as much as a light carpet will.

Vacuum regularly
To preserve your carpet’s beauty and appearance for a long time, we recommend that you vacuum your carpet at least twice a week, especially in busy areas. A vacuum cleaner with rotating soft brushes gives the best result as it removes deep down dirt while allowing the pile to recover quickly.

Clean in-depth
Your home’s StainSafe® carpet should be cleaned by a professional at least every two years to ensure that it keeps looking fabulous.

Tips and Tricks for Stains.

React quickly: Do not allow stains to dry in, but remove them immediately with a clean kitchen cloth. Remove solid  elements with a spoon. Find out the type of stain, so that you can look up a suitable treatment in the table opposite.

Thorough treatment: Handle the stain with a clean kitchen cloth, working in from the outside so as to prevent the stain spreading. For most stains a care product can be used. If none is available, soak the cloth in the product indicated in the table. Use the correct quantity of the product and make sure you rinse the carpet to remove the care product and dirt to avoid re-soiling. Wait till the area is dry before walking on it again.

A. Water
Dab off the stain as much as possible with a clean white kitchen cloth, do not rub. Treat the stain with a damp cloth and dab it off again, until no further dirt adheres to the cloth.

B. Soap powder solution
(1 tblsp soap powder: 1/4l water)
Dab off the stain as much as possible with a clean white cloth. Then treat the stain with a cloth soaked in suds and dab it off again, until no further dirt adheres to the cloth.
Important: Only repeat dabbing with clean water and remove soap residues with a clean cloth.

C. Thinner
Dab/rub the stain with a dry clean cloth soaked in thinner. Repeat until no more dirt is visible on the cloth.
Important: Never apply products direct to the stain.

D. Dry cleaning solvent
Dab/rub the stain with a dry clean cloth soaked in dry clean solvent. Repeat until no more dirt is visible on the cloth.
Important: Never apply products direct to the stain.

E. Acetone
Dab/rub the stain with a dry clean cloth soaked in acetone. Repeat until no more dirt is visible on the cloth.
Important: Never apply products direct to the stain.